Email sent to Antoine
Hi Antoine
Now we need somewhere to discuss entity management between two loosely coupled systems like Wikidata and Europeana
I am now trying to push the Europeana concept to nl:Wikipedia together with a new link modell for and then I start seeing
that Wikidata P7704 has same as Europeana Agent but the target at Europeana is deleted,....
My suggestion: as I have done this week with the people see link is that have had a lot of link root and now we agree that take responsibility for fixing this by creating an unique id for every Nobelprize winner and also maintain correct html links see T251055: Template Nobelprize winners Wikidata property P8024 and new link model to
I suggest that Europeana take responsibility for the change management of the Europeana entity in Wikidata Property:P7704 i.e. when you delete / create a new entity you also update Wikidata
Examples of issues
- looks like its deleted
- same as Wikidata Q3020722
- used on no:Wikipedia, es:Wikipedia, ru:Wikipedia....,
- looks like deleted
- same as Wikidata Q184841
- used on no:Wikipedia, es:Wikipedia, ru:Wikipedia....
Please let me know of progress on this issue and the next step see my Task T251225
Regards Magnus Sälgö