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[L] Add autocomplete back to vue.js version of Media Search UI
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To complete the vue.js spike (T251940) and expedite merging that code to master, we decided to delay the work of creating a vue.js version of the autocomplete that existed on the production version of MediaSearch. This ticket is to reimplement that feature using vue.js.

The initial implementation should use vue to use wbsearchentities against wikidata, in the same way as the original mediasearch autocomplete did.

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Cparle updated the task description. (Show Details)
Cparle updated the task description. (Show Details)

Based on conversations on July 9, we're going to stick with the existing MediaSearch autocomplete backend for this ticket, which will just focus on the UI.

We recognize that the existing MediaSearch autocomplete backend has a lot of room for improvement, but that we need to do more exploration to figure out how to do that and it will be handed in future tickets.

CBogen renamed this task from Add autocomplete back to vue.js version of Media Search UI to [L] Add autocomplete back to vue.js version of Media Search UI.Jul 15 2020, 4:20 PM
CBogen updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change 617796 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anne Tomasevich; owner: Anne Tomasevich):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo@master] Recreate autocomplete search input

Change 617796 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo@master] Recreate autocomplete search input

Checked on commons wmf.6 - the autocomplete is present.

Some issues were found:
(1) There is a delay (sort of) in changing the autocomplete, e.g.

  • start typing 'Foun', then delete the entry with the backspace and type 'Lion' - the suggestions won't chage.
    Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 1.05.12 PM.png (455×746 px, 36 KB)
  • when 'Lion' is deleted, the autocomplete changes to show to the autocomplete for 'L':

Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 1.05.36 PM.png (492×763 px, 42 KB)

(the animated gif - click to open)
autocomplete1.gif (590×1 px, 203 KB)

The ssues mentioned in T252891: Improve autocomplete for mediasearch on commons are still there, i.e.

  • the autocomplete for a mediasearch that will give no results
  • the issues with CJK languages mentioned in TJones's comment on T252891
  • the issues that are in my comment on T252891

T252891 has good test/use cases (I've added the info to my testing list) which were not resolved with vue.js version of Media Search UI.
@CBogen - should be there one (epic-like) task with subtasks to address various autocomplete issues or there is another way for keeping track on autocomplete improvements?

@Etonkovidova thanks for reporting these. I think that the delay issue should be fixed as part of this ticket (unless you'd rather have a new ticket, @AnneT).

For the other issues you mentioned in T252891, I think it's best to file them as new tickets. I don't think we need an epic to track them. We can assign them to the Media Search Release Candidate milestone. Some of them may be addressed by the work the Search team is doing on Query Completion, which is currently waiting for legal review (T250436), but I'm not sure. The issues with CJK languages mentioned will hopefully be addressed by Query Completion as well.

@Etonkovidova thanks for reporting these. I think that the delay issue should be fixed as part of this ticket (unless you'd rather have a new ticket, @AnneT).

For the other issues you mentioned in T252891, I think it's best to file them as new tickets. I don't think we need an epic to track them. We can assign them to the Media Search Release Candidate milestone. Some of them may be addressed by the work the Search team is doing on Query Completion, which is currently waiting for legal review (T250436), but I'm not sure. The issues with CJK languages mentioned will hopefully be addressed by Query Completion as well.

Thanks, @CBogen - I have filed the issues listed in my comment above (the last one is not about autocomplete).. Please take a look to evaluate how they fit into the team workflow.

Also added the above as a comment to T252891: Improve autocomplete for mediasearch on commons.

As for this task's scope, I did check the production and since no outstanding issues were found - closing this ticket as Resolved.