backports is only available for Debian stable and oldstable and Debian stretch will move to LTS state in about a week. Packages which we were using from stretch-backports need to be migrate to components on
- Stretch Docker base image
- librdkafka1 - eventlogging
- osm2pgsql - osm
- analytics - git-lfs
- python3-prometheus-client-package - prometheus
- systemd, systemd-sysv, udev, libsystemd0, libpam-systemd - systemd
- npm - testreduce
- libhwloc5 - trafficserver
- librdkafka1 - varnishkafka
- graphite-web - graphite
- npm - testreduce T257906
- lilypond - mediawiki
- 'librados2', 'librgw2', 'librbd1', 'python-rados', 'python-rbd', 'ceph-common', 'python-cephfs', 'libradosstriper1' - openstack/queens&rocky
Non exhaustive list for CI (at least)
- golang-1.11-go - CI tox-acme-chef image T257456
- golang-1.11-go - which is based on Stretch T261920
- git 2.20.1 - git-protocol-v2 for CI and scap at least. T257308