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Cookies error spike from France email send 8/18/20
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Authored By
Aug 18 2020, 5:22 PM
Referenced Files
F32187825: image.png
Aug 18 2020, 6:12 PM
F32187796: 785504.png
Aug 18 2020, 5:22 PM
Aug 18 2020, 5:22 PM
F32187789: 785119.png
Aug 18 2020, 5:22 PM
F32187795: 785504B.png
Aug 18 2020, 5:22 PM
F32187787: 785184A.png
Aug 18 2020, 5:22 PM


We've seen ~120 cookies errors so far today. {T205591} is open but old enough that things may have changed, so I'm making this new task.

The best feedback we've gotten from donors so far:

1. 785184
Browser: Chrome Version 84.0.4147.125 (Build officiel) (64 bits)
OS : W10 pro Version 1909 (vers. syst exploitation 18363.1016)

785184A.png (258×454 px, 95 KB)

2. 785119
Browser: Chrome
Device: android's phone
Oxygen OS 10.3.4.GM57AA,
PSP: paypal monthly payement

Donor retried:
Browser: Chrome
OS Windows 10
PSP: paypal monthly payement

785119.png (454×1 px, 32 KB)

3. 785104
Browser: Safari
Device: Ipad (440×874 px, 775 KB)

4. 785504
Browser: Google Chrome Version 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OS : Mac OS Mojave 10.14.4
URL :<

785504.png (678×3 px, 485 KB)

785504B.png (228×378 px, 48 KB)

The scale of this is very high and there are too many examples to add them all to the Triage doc. If there are specific details we can ask donors to provide for followup, please let me know.

Event Timeline

i see the error in the US (language: fr) using the first link in this phab task.

Using: Google Chrome
Version 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Submitted payment information and got this error message:
Malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas accepter cette demande de paiement. Peut-être votre navigateur n'accepte pas les cookies?

Just tried a donation via this Adyen banner variant set up for tomorrow's Adyen vs Ingenico en4C (CA, IE, UK & US) test.

Using Chrome Version 84.0.4147.125 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Submit contact info at the top, enter CC info in iframe, but trying to submit iframe I see this error:

image.png (63×353 px, 4 KB)

I was able to submit a donation using Firefox version 79.0 (64-bit).

This does not seem to be 100% of donors and it's not just French donors. This is happening after someone submits their credit card details or when they complete the flow on the paypal side.