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page/summary and page/mobile-html keeps responding code 429 in
Closed, DuplicatePublic


This is not always reproducible, but it usually happens in the trending article in the

If we keep refreshing the page, the issue will be solved.

org.wikipedia.dataclient.okhttp.HttpStatusException: Code: 429, URL:
org.wikipedia.dataclient.okhttp.HttpStatusException: Code: 429, URL:

Event Timeline

cooltey triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Sep 11 2020, 6:06 PM
cooltey created this task.

You're being rate-limited by something. Is this something users have reported seeing in the wild?

Adding potentially relevant projects/teams. (Rate limiting is not enforced in mobileapps; something's sending back a 429 before you hit the service.)

cc @Joe

ratelimit was added to mobile-html with non-standard language variant due to an outage caused by on-the-fly transformation of the variants in parsoid.

Hi @Mholloway

Yes, we have received 5+ reports from the users.

Hi @Pchelolo

cc @Joe

ratelimit was added to mobile-html with non-standard language variant due to an outage caused by on-the-fly transformation of the variants in parsoid.

Is there a phabricator ticket or gerrit patch for this issue?