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Civi to IBM export: No file on FTP
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All import jobs failed to run this morning because there was no file on the FTP. I also received a failmail (title: Fail Mail (civi1001) run-job: Silverpop emails - Upload files failed with code 1)

Unfortunately we already sent out emails to UK an hour after it failed, but we need this up and running today so that we can send to the US tomorrow.

Can fr-tech send over today's file? Setting as Unbreak Now.

Event Timeline

KHaggard triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Oct 28 2020, 1:06 PM

Just confirming that there was a send scheduled to go out in 30 mins for Major Gifts, we're unscheduling that send now.

It looks like there was an authentication failure last night. I've re-run the job now and it succeeded. It might be worthwhile to add re-try code into the upload job in case this happens again.

Thanks @mepps !

Confirming that the import jobs completed successfully now and we are rescheduling emails. Do we want to keep this phab open for the re-try code or should I resolve this task?

Thanks @katers! Let's keep it open so fr-tech can discuss the retry code for now.