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Error when trying to complete a recurring paypal transaction
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hey @jbolorinos-ctr, and cc @Pcoombe.

I just had a call with @EYener and she mentioned that during this live campaign, Ingenico (post-payment credit card) monthly convert is accounting for 90%+ of all monthly conversions.

That seems off, particularly considering that Paypal is still around 50% of all donations.

John, could you QA the Paypal payment method in one of our controls, see if you can spot any issue with the monthly convert experience?

Event Timeline

spatton triaged this task as High priority.Dec 2 2020, 10:22 PM

Was there a drop in MC on any banner type in particular? Mobile vs Desktop? I'll take a look at this first thing tomorrow morning

Ok well I just tried making a test monthly donation on Paypal and got this error, so that does explain it:

image.png (972×1 px, 141 KB)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Select any donation amount
  3. Select Paypal payment method
  4. Click continue
  5. Click Yes, I'll donate $xx amount each month
  6. Enter Paypal login details
  7. Observe error message displayed above

@spatton @DStrine any ideas as to why this may be happening? Is there any further information I can provide to help investigate this issue?

I followed those steps above, multiple times, on my Windows 10 PC.

  1. The first time I used Chrome 86.0, regular browser, and was able to complete a recurring paypal donation, arriving at the TY page as expected.
  2. The second time I tried an incognito window on chrome, and saw the same error message John screenshotted above.
  3. Also got the error message trying an incognito firefox window.

image.png (543×799 px, 29 KB)

spatton raised the priority of this task from High to Unbreak Now!.Dec 3 2020, 2:55 AM

Bumping the priority to Unbreak Now because I've been able to confirm this on multiple devices. TY fr-tech!

spatton renamed this task from Investigate low rate of paypal monthly convert donations to Error when trying to complete a recurring paypal transaction.Dec 3 2020, 3:20 AM

I searched our server logs for the EC- token in the screenshot and don't see any errors. I turned on debug logging for PayPal and @Cstone was able to reproduce the failure (even outside of Incognito mode). The responses to the API calls setting up her payments look fine, but she did see a JS error in her browser console on the PayPal site before that error appeared:

Cannot GET /webapps/hermes/api/checkout/EC-4B833170TM2653305/session/create

Looks like it's definitely wonkiness on their site. I've emailed PayPal tech support to ask them to investigate.

Thanks @Ejegg We've had one confirmed ticket so far, and I got EC-8A2275024W502191E when replicating this.

Removed monthly paypal from donatewiki until this is confirmed fixed. Diff

Posting here (late) that we also took recurring paypal out of all the live banners, yesterday around 18:00 UTC.