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Simplify the quick tutorial
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Based on initial research outcomes and the review of a UX Writer we may want to simplify the quick tutorial (T250898) provided for Section translation. The proposed changes are:

  • Reverse the order of the steps to go from general to specific concepts, which facilitates learning.
  • Shorten the messages so that users are more likely to read them.

Quick tutorial - Navigation.png (656×873 px, 69 KB)

First step:

Section by section
Translate and publish one section at a time. It’s easy, quick, and fun!

Second step:

Suggested translations
Suggested translations need your review to read naturally.

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF created this task.

Change 658991 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nik Gkountas; owner: Nik Gkountas):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX Simplify quick tutorial

Change 658991 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX Simplify quick tutorial

@Pginer-WMF I don't like that the SX quick tutorial changed. I like more the previous version (Translating a new section is easy, quick and fun!) that this.

@Pginer-WMF I don't like that the SX quick tutorial changed. I like more the previous version (Translating a new section is easy, quick and fun!) that this.

The motivation for the change was that we observed that many people during research were ignoring the information there. So we tried to apply the "less is more" principle to provide just the essential information.

Having said that, it is very useful to hear that the part about the translation being "easy, quick and fun" resonated with you. Maybe this can be incorporated without making the whole text too long.

I adjusted the text on the first step to include the "easy, quick and fun" part, while shortening it a bit to avoid looking too dense.

@Pginer-WMF I have seen that, instead of the text of the titles (Section by section and Suggested translations) must be aligned to left, the text is aligned to center. See screenshots:

Screenshot_20210201-104232-1.jpg (1×720 px, 87 KB)

Screenshot_20210201-104254-1.jpg (1×720 px, 115 KB)

And @Pginer-WMF, can you modify the text of the first step to include the "Translate" part before of "section by section"?

Screenshot_20210201-104232-1 (2).jpg (1×720 px, 69 KB)

And @Pginer-WMF, can you modify the text of the first step to include the "Translate" part before of "section by section"?

Screenshot_20210201-104232-1 (2).jpg (1×720 px, 69 KB)

Translation is expected to be part of the context (the user clicked the option to start a translation before), a short message focuses more on the key concept ("section by section"). Why do you think that the translation part is needed?

Note also that the images used in the current implementation are showing in the opposite step since text seems to be updated to swap the steps but the images have not yet (CC @ngkountas). With the images in place, these may also help to clarify the message.

@Pginer-WMF, I think that it is needed because "Translate" is one of the steps to expand articles, and thus, I'm talking of "Translate section by section".

@Pginer-WMF, I think that it is needed because "Translate" is one of the steps to expand articles, and thus, I'm talking of "Translate section by section".

Makes sense.
The text below is already mentioning the translation concept. So I'm more inclined to avoid expanding the text for now, but as we test with users this will be observing how effective this is and whether we need to clarify any confusion.

Thanks for the clarifications

@Pginer-WMF I have seen that, instead of the text of the titles (Section by section and Suggested translations) must be aligned to left, the text is aligned to center. See screenshots:

Screenshot_20210201-104232-1.jpg (1×720 px, 87 KB)

Screenshot_20210201-104254-1.jpg (1×720 px, 115 KB)

@Pginer-WMF The change is now ready.

20210202_211409.jpg (1×1 px, 95 KB)

20210202_211421.jpg (1×1 px, 100 KB)

Change 666099 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nik Gkountas; owner: Nik Gkountas):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX Quick Tutorial: Fix text for step 1

Change 666099 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] SX Quick Tutorial: Fix text for step 1