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Make @ mentions plain old links, not a special thing that I can't edit.
Open, Needs TriagePublic


What I want:

  1. In the Reply or New Discussoin Tool's visual mode @-mention Peter.
  2. Remove the @ symbol.
  3. Edit the link (e.g., turn @[[User:Ppelberg (WMF)|Ppelberg (WMF)]] into [[User:Ppelberg (WMF)|Peter]])
  4. Remove the link (e.g., turn @[[User:Ppelberg (WMF)|Peter]] into Peter)

What's happening now:

  1. Works
  2. Can't do it
  3. Can't do it
  4. Can't do it

Reported by @The_Discoverer and @Pelagic at

Copied from T276143 for convenience:

This is sometimes awkward, if you know that an editor would prefer being addressed by a different name (e.g., because the old username is kind of joke-y and you're talking about a serious subject).

This is also important for languages that decline nouns: "Jmenuje se Dangit" (He is Dangit) but "Dangite, jak vytvořím šablonu?" (Dangit, how can I create a template?).

Reported by @Levivich at

[Declension mentioned by Patrik L. in same thread.]

Event Timeline

If they were plain old links, it would be too easy to accidentally ping the wrong person by editing the label of the link instead of its target, much like T56947. I don't think this would be a good change.

It appears to me that this ticket and T276143 are the same. @Whatamidoing-WMF, can you please confirm whether this is true or not?

Note: I've added "In the Reply or New Discussoin Tool's visual mode..." to "1." in the task description's What I want:` section.

editing the label of the link instead of its target, much like T56947.

I think the solution is to improve the link-editing interface in VE, not write a special case just for pings.

Having pings behave differently from other links is surprising and unexpected for experienced users.

Pelagic updated the task description. (Show Details)

By “improve the link-editing interface in VE”, I’m thinking along the lines of what @Esanders said at T56947#6654173:

we added the label editing field to mobile VE. I think bringing that interface over to desktop would make these mistakes much less common