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Requesting access to gitlab1001 / gitlab1002 for Oly Kalinichenko from Speed & Function
Closed, ResolvedPublicRequest


Requestor provided information and prerequisites

This section is to be completed by the individual requesting access.

  • Wikitech username: OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction
  • Preferred shell username: aex
  • Email address:
  • Ssh public key (must be dedicated key for wmf production):
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBEgeCnlFqvMSxmk5Pw78FKJ82iyIiHrnWWzpaeNpFgV
  • Requested group membership: gitlab-roots (will need root on gitlab1001 / gitlab1002)
  • Reason for access: Speed & Function contract work for GitLab initialization project
  • Name of approving party (hiring manager for WMF staff): Tyler Cipriani
  • Requestor -- Please Acknowledge that you have read and signed the L3 Wikimedia Server Access Responsibilities document:
  • Requestor -- Please coordinate obtaining a comment of approval on this task from the approving party.

SRE Clinic Duty Confirmation Checklist for Access Requests

This checklist should be used on all access requests to ensure that all steps are covered, including expansion to existing access. Please double check the step has been completed before checking it off.

This section is to be confirmed and completed by a member of the SRE team.

  • - User has signed the L3 Acknowledgement of Wikimedia Server Access Responsibilities Document.
  • - User has a valid NDA on file with WMF legal. (This can be checked by Operations via the NDA tracking sheet & is included in all WMF Staff/Contractor hiring.)
  • - User has provided the following: wikitech username, preferred shell username, email address, and full reasoning for access (including what commands and/or tasks they expect to perform)
  • - User has provided a public SSH key. This ssh key pair should only be used for WMF cluster access, and not share with any other service (this includes not sharing with WMCS access, no shared keys.)
  • - access request (or expansion) has sign off of WMF sponsor/manager (sponser for volunteers, manager for wmf staff)
  • - Patchset for access request

For additional details regarding access request requirements, please see

Event Timeline

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction please comment here confirming signature of L3 Wikimedia Server Access Responsibilities document.

@wkandek or @thcipriani an you approve the access
@KFrancis are you able to confirm NDA status

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction The SSH key you have provided is the same one you have registered for the cloud environment (i.e. the one you used when registering your wikitech account) we require a separate ssh key for production access can you please generate a new key and update the ticket.


jbond triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 25 2021, 1:09 PM
jbond updated the task description. (Show Details)

@wkandek or @thcipriani an you approve the access

Approve. Thanks!

Please add new key

ssh-rsa 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

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction are you also able to confirm L3 status as per:

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction please comment here confirming signature of L3 Wikimedia Server Access Responsibilities document.

@jbond @jbond Hello, would you please confirm if Oly Kalinichenko us an employee or contractor for Speed & Function? Would you please also let me know what access to gitlab1001 / gitlab1002 would be for?

@KFrancis they are not staff AFAIK the are contractors for Speed & Function. At a high level gitlab1001 / gitlab1002 are servers which will be used to build a PoC to replace the The NDA requirement is because theses servers will be on the production network and the contractors may need access to some of data sources that includes some PPI data.

@wkandek or @thcipriani should be able to provide more clarification


@jbond @jbond Hello, would you please confirm if Oly Kalinichenko us an employee or contractor for Speed & Function? Would you please also let me know what access to gitlab1001 / gitlab1002 would be for?

Hi @KFrancis, just a note of reference, here is the Coupa link for the contact that they are working under: This should cover all of them, Olly (this task), Eugene (T275679), and Sergey (T275722).

I hope that helps. Let me know if you need anything else from the contractors to get started.

@jbond Hello, I am confirming Oly Kalinichenko is covered under Speed & Function's existing agreement. Please proceed with the access.

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction are you also able to confirm L3 status as per:

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction please comment here confirming signature of L3 Wikimedia Server Access Responsibilities document.

We just need this confirmation to proceed now

Change 668360 had a related patch set uploaded (by JMeybohm; owner: JMeybohm):
[operations/puppet@production] admin: Add aex shell account and to gitlab-roots

JMeybohm subscribed.

phab account @OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction has signed L3 as of signature list, so I checked the box

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction we need the shell username to be the same as your wikitech shell name so this is going to be olykalinichenko. Sorry for the form being not clean on this, we will update it accordingly.

Change 668360 merged by JMeybohm:
[operations/puppet@production] admin: Add olykalinichenko shell account and to gitlab-roots

JMeybohm claimed this task.

Change 669741 had a related patch set uploaded (by JMeybohm; owner: JMeybohm):
[operations/puppet@production] Remove SSH keys reused in Cloud VPS

Change 669741 merged by JMeybohm:
[operations/puppet@production] Remove SSH keys reused in Cloud VPS

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction I did remove your SSH key from your production account as you seem to have uploaded it to CloudVPS via the wikitech preferences page.
Please use a dedicated key for wmf production and do not reuse that one anywhere else!

You may post a new SSH Key here to have that added to your production account again.

All 3 contractors have done so despite being told. The other one just got caught earlier. Should they be asked to actually pay attention to what they're doing? Speed seems to be too much a focus in this work.

@JMeybohm, I've created add added a new dedicated key (4096 bits). Could you please add this key

ssh-rsa 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

Change 669866 had a related patch set uploaded (by JMeybohm; owner: JMeybohm):
[operations/puppet@production] Add new SSH key for olykalinichenko

All 3 contractors have done so despite being told. The other one just got caught earlier. Should they be asked to actually pay attention to what they're doing? Speed seems to be too much a focus in this work.

This isn't a helpful nor constructive comment. People make this mistake all the time. T276761: Special:NovaKey should have a message not to add production keys is probably the way forward.

Change 669866 merged by JMeybohm:
[operations/puppet@production] Add new SSH key for olykalinichenko

Account has been updated

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction your production SSH key is still in Cloud VPS LDAP, please remove it at http:// under "Preferences -> OpenStack"

Change 670779 had a related patch set uploaded (by JMeybohm; owner: JMeybohm):
[operations/puppet@production] Remove olykalinichenko SSH key, reused in Cloud VPS

Change 670779 merged by JMeybohm:
[operations/puppet@production] Remove olykalinichenko SSH key, reused in Cloud VPS

@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction I did remove your SSH key from your production account as you seem to have uploaded it to CloudVPS via the wikitech preferences page.
Please use a dedicated key for wmf production and do not reuse that one anywhere else!

You may post a new SSH Key here to have that added to your production account again.

This, again.
@OlyKalinichenkoSpeedAndFunction please stop adding your production SSH keys to Cloud VPS!

Hey, Apologies for that. I've updated the SHH key and this one is unique, and it's placed only locally.
Could you please check it again?

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBEgeCnlFqvMSxmk5Pw78FKJ82iyIiHrnWWzpaeNpFgV
Volans claimed this task.
Volans subscribed.

My understanding is that all the steps have been completed. Resolving. Feel free to re-open in case of any issue.