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Replace OTRS text on Meta
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Meta references to OTRS need to be replaced with the appropriate name for the team or the software, as appropriate.

Event Timeline

First phase of replacing text has been completed (unless some pages were missed). I.E. the OTRS mentions have been replaced with VRTS (or VRT), and the pages have been marked for translation.

In the next phase, the links in the pages on Meta should be modified in order to be pointing to the right renamed pages (see T280395), e.g. [[OTRS/Personnel]] -> [[VRT/Personnel]] (or whatever it will be).

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-06-02T09:14:38Z] <urbanecm> [urbanecm@mwmaint1002 ~]$ mwscript extensions/Translate/scripts/moveTranslatablePage.php --wiki=metawiki --reason='OTRS -> VRTS renaming process; see [[Phab:T280392]] and [[Phab:T280396]] ([[:phab:T284118|request]])' 'OTRS' 'VRT' 'Quiddity (WMF)' # T284118

English text updated. Translations are pending.