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[SPIKE] Develop approach for optimizing topic subscription storage
Closed, InvalidPublic


This task represents the work with identifying the potential approach for optimizing how topic subscriptions are stored.


This section will eventually list the approaches we are considering for optimizing how topic subscriptions are stored.
Approach #1: don't generate events for sections with no subscribes

  • Considerations
    • Short-term: saves space
    • Implementing this would mean we would lose the ability to measure commenting behavior. See: ===Uses cases section of T262107.
    • Long-term: approach becomes obsolete once T263819 is implemented.


This section will include a definition of the problem(s) any of the ===Approaches would need to resolve. Although, we will not know what these problems are until the topic subscription feature is deployed to production (T274188).


Once the topic subscription feature is deployed to production (T274188), any time a new comment is posted in a section, that event is stored in a database (T264885).

If no changes are made to how these comments are stored, the performance of the database, and subsequently, the feature could degrade.


  • The ===Problem section is completed
  • ===Approaches to resolving the "problems" are defined in the section above, along with the tradeoffs associated with each

Event Timeline

13 April 2021
@Esanders and I discussed this task on Tuesday and came to agree that we should think about this once the topic subscription feature is deployed to production (T274188) considering what we'll need to optimize for will not become clear until that happens.

Considering the above, this task will remain in the backlog for right now.

ppelberg moved this task from Backlog to Triaged on the DiscussionTools board.
ppelberg moved this task from Untriaged to Next Quarter on the Editing-team board.

This is invalid since we will not be able to optimize for storage. Reference: T263819