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@noflip is not working in toc related LESS file
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Even though this line should ensure that .tocnumber .mw-content-rtl elements have padding-left: 0.5em;, we recently noticed that on fawiki they are being rendered with padding-right: 0.5em; instead. It seems like @noflip is not working correctly. Here is the CSS that is prepared from the LESS file, as it appears in the browser's console:

.tocnumber {
.mw-content-ltr .tocnumber {
.mw-content-rtl .tocnumber {

The effect of this is that numbers in the TOC are too close to the text that comes after them.

The issue is new. The code above has not changed in a while. The problem must reside somewhere else. Other code that uses @noflip seems not to be affected.

This issue affects all skins. It is not limited to fawiki and is happening in other RTL wikis too (e.g. arwiki) but it does not affect LTR wikis.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Huji updated the task description. (Show Details)
Huji updated the task description. (Show Details)

As I look at the output of which I have pasted below after tidying I noticed that it contains to sets of rules for .mw-content-rtl .tocnumber, one for screen and one for print. Notably, the @noflip works correctly for the print version but not the screen version.

CSS output
@import '/srv/mediawiki/php-1.37.0-wmf.1/resources/src/mediawiki.skinning/toc/print.css';
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Change 680773 had a related patch set uploaded (by Huji; author: Huji):

[mediawiki/core@master] [WIP] @noflip does not work when used in nested LESS\n\nBug:T280428

The above patch fixes the issue. However, the fact that this issue emerged recently while the LESS file in question had not been edited since 2020-12-09 is troubling. It seems like @noflip was formerly parsed if it was inside a nested LESS syntax but it has stopped working recently. Therefore, I propose *not* merging the patch, but identifying and fixing the root cause of the problem instead.

After reviewing other LESS code in MediaWiki code base, I came to the conclusion that the appropriate way to use @noflip in nested contexts is to specify it before each directional declaration, and not before the selector. I amended the patch so that it would make this correction.

Update: We even have documentation for it! reads "@noflip tags must be on the line immediately above the declaration, as shown in the example above." The LESS file did not follow this; the patch fixes that.

Krinkle added subscribers: Jdlrobson, Krinkle.

As I look at the output of which I have pasted below […]

CSS output
@import '/srv/mediawiki/php-1.37.0-wmf.1/resources/src/mediawiki.skinning/toc/print.css';
.mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-language:before {


This looks very broken. There are server-side filesystem paths there in a client-side @import statement. This presumably means the print styles are missing. I wonder what else is broken.

@Krinkle good catch! Somehow I was blind to it.

Should we still proceed with the patch (knowing that we have uncovered a second, more important problem)? After all, the piece of documentation I linked above specifies that the @noflips should be right before the declaration so even if it somehow worked before, it was still non-compliant.

@Huji I presume this bug is significant enough to require backporting to the 1.36 release since it breaks RTL display of a prominent UI element. Is this a good presumption to make?

@Jdlrobson yes.

If you find it helpful, I can try to walk back the git history and find out about what time this started to happen, e.g. so that you would know if backporting to 1.35 would be needed or not.

Jdlrobson raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Apr 20 2021, 6:27 PM
Jdlrobson added a project: MW-1.36-release.

Bumping priority then and tagging appropriately. Thanks!

This is the git version in which the issue first occured: rMWc504f19f1faa6f59acda1ac50c24d74d3c92985e

The version before it works just fine.

rMWb177d3f64a82 should resolve the issue originally reported above. However, I think this task should stay open, not only because backports to 1.36 are needed (@Jdforrester-WMF would you take care of that, or do you want me to do the cherrypicks?) but also because of the second and more important issue still being unresolved, i.e. the internal server paths being sent to the client (T280428#7012326)

Change 681971 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester; author: Huji):

[mediawiki/core@REL1_36] @noflip should be specified before each directional statement

rMWb177d3f64a82 should resolve the issue originally reported above. However, I think this task should stay open, not only because backports to 1.36 are needed (@Jdforrester-WMF would you take care of that, or do you want me to do the cherrypicks?)

Done, I think?

but also because of the second and more important issue still being unresolved, i.e. the internal server paths being sent to the client (T280428#7012326)

Let's make that a different task, as this one is an implicitly-UBN blocker to the RC.0 cut.

Change 681971 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/core@REL1_36] @noflip should be specified before each directional statement

Jdforrester-WMF assigned this task to Huji.

but also because of the second and more important issue still being unresolved, i.e. the internal server paths being sent to the client (T280428#7012326)

Let's make that a different task, as this one is an implicitly-UBN blocker to the RC.0 cut.

That begs the question: is the fact that server paths are being leaked to the client side, a big enough issue to be a blocker for RC.0 cut?

We should split the task, but maybe we should make that one a blocker too?

That begs the question: is the fact that server paths are being leaked to the client side, a big enough issue to be a blocker for RC.0 cut?

We should split the task, but maybe we should make that one a blocker too?

I'm not in Security, so don't take my word as gospel, but I believe we've ruled before that this is not considered an info leak for MediaWiki, as everything in MW is designed around that being open and isn't plausibly hideable. (The problem is not an infoleak, it's that those paths are meaningless to clients and so won't work.)