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Wikipedia Android app: talk page "title-invalid-talk-namespace" scenarios
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Several scenarios where "title-invalid-talk-namespace" error is received in Wikipedia app. Error is "Code: 400, URL: ..., title: , detail: title-invalid-talk-namespace".

Navigated to wrong title - redundant "Talk:" prefix, or missing logic for namespace-equivalent talk page conversion.

Scenarios are:

  1. Navigate to a Wikipedia page through browser (tested with Google Chrome app) -> click on talk page link in browser -> automatically navigated to Wikipedia app with wrong talk page title (redundant "Talk:" prefix)
  2. Search talk page title through Wikipedia app (e.g. "Talk:Dallas") -> click on the talk page name -> navigated to wrong talk page title (redundant "Talk:" prefix)
  3. Navigate in Wikipedia app to a page not in main namespace (for example through search box) ->press vertical "..." button -> press "View talk page" -> navigated to wrong talk page title (talk page title not converted to namespace-equivalent talk page, instead "Talk:" prefix is concatenated)

Tested on Wikipedia 2.7.50350-r-2021-04-07, Env: Galaxy S8, SM-G950F

Scenarios 1 and 2:

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 12.08.10.jpeg (2×1 px, 115 KB)

Scenario 3:

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 12.08.10 (1).jpeg (2×1 px, 128 KB)

Event Timeline

Possibly a partial dup of, should check all cases are covered

According to, not sure 1 and 2 are covered

LGoto triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 19 2021, 4:18 PM
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Up Next on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.

Thanks for creating this. We checked it out and it is definitely a bug we will investigate. We are in the middle of a release, which we are striving to wrap up the end of this week. We will increase the priority of this task and move it to the board next week to start investigating a fix.

As there’s no design work involved, I’m moving this to Merged and waiting