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Add link: post-edit dialog "Close and edit this article again" option forces to find other occurences of previously recommended links
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Tested on betalabs - the article is "Sled dog" -

  1. Add 'Yes' or 'No' for recommended links on an article.
  2. Click to publish (to save the reviewed links). The post-edit dialog presents the option "Close and edit this article again" - click on the option.
  3. The article is presented in 'Read' mode. Clicking on 'Edit' will display link recommendation mode again but new instances of previously reviewed links would be suggested to user to review.

For example, the initial suggestion was for "Canadian Eskimo Dog" in the image's caption. Subsequent returns to the article (via the post-edit dialog option "Close and edit this article again") would get other instances of "Canadian Eskimo Dog" suggestion (there are few on the "Sled dog" article).

Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 3.25.18 PM.png (792×1 px, 303 KB)
Another suggestion
Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 3.25.54 PM.png (864×1 px, 519 KB)
Screen Shot 2021-05-04 at 3.30.12 PM.png (432×1 px, 363 KB)

The Console displays the following errors:

  • the complaints about being unable to locate the add link elements if that link was reviewed
Failed to locate "winery" (occurrences seen: 0) in document.
  • when t all pool of link recommendations is exhausted, the following errors will be displayed.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fragment' of undefined
    at AddLinkDesktopArticleTarget.AddLinkArticleTarget.selectFirstRecommendation


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'show' of undefined

at RecommendedLinkToolbarDialogDesktop.RecommendedLinkToolbarDialog.teardown

!!Questions (and issues)!!
- clicking on "Close and edit this article again"  option will happily proceed with any unreviewed links (if there are any left) - I assume that's a correct behavior?
- even after selection "Close", it's possible to return to recommended add link mode
- the double post-edit dialog is displayed
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