While doing suggested edits on my phone, I noticed an issue:
- Do a link recommendation edit
- Go back to the homepage
- The task you've just done is there, or when going through the task queue, you see the same task again
I would expect to *not* see the same task again.
This type of thing was probably rare before T260522: Optimize number of results requested from API was done, but now is more likely, as there are at most 20 items in the cached task queue for the user at any given time.
I would propose that in a DeferredUpdate after save, we refresh the cache for the user. We don't necessarily need to do it before the PostEdit dialog, because we already have frontend code to ensure the user doesn't see the task they just did. T279025: Add a link: maintain task feed and position on reload/back button is related to this task, in that if a user returns to their task feed without having completed it (e.g., by selecting browser 'back'), the task should be considered still valid.
One option is to use a cache to keep track of tasks that are going to be invalidated: T289854#7341932