Input: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Tom_md/monobook.js
Output: http://bits.wikimedia.org/de.wikipedia.org/load.php?debug=false&lang=de&modules=user&only=scripts&skin=monobook&user=Tom_md
Right at the beginning there are some comments that are not deleted (this doesn't hurt, of course, but obviously something goes wrong).
Around line 435 (var Quickbar) everything seems fine again, but on line 473 (in function qbWPIntern()) some comments are preserved and then in line 609
w (1,'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload','C-Up',qbtarget,'Commons-Upload');
(note that the quotes change from double to single here)
is destroyed to
w (1,'http:
which causes a syntax error.
Please note that this javascript is the most used javascript in the German Wikipedia.
Version: 1.17.x
Severity: normal