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Update Superset to ingest new wikieditor change tag
Closed, DuplicatePublic


T249038 introduces a new wikieditor change tag.

This task involves the work with making sure we can use/leverage the wikieditor change tag within Superset.


  • Within Superset the wikieditor change tag is named 2010 wikitext editor
  • Within Superset, the 2010 wikitext editor, and the edits it aggregates, is available for use within the interface field


  • ===Requirements are met

i. Superset interface field:

Screen Shot 2021-12-08 at 5.55.15 PM.png (1×1 px, 190 KB)

Event Timeline

ppelberg added a project: Editing-team.
ppelberg edited projects, added Editing-team (Tracking); removed Editing-team.
ppelberg moved this task from Backlog to Analytics on the Editing-team (Tracking) board.

@ppelberg - I realized there is an existing task (T293406) around updating the edits data in Superset (edits_hourly) to include this new tag. Can we close this as a duplicate?

@ppelberg - I realized there is an existing task (T293406) around updating the edits data in Superset (edits_hourly) to include this new tag. Can we close this as a duplicate?

Good spot. Done.