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Lexeme Language Lookup - Prioritize Items for languages in the Item lookup
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a Lexeme creator I want to have Items for languages prioritized in the entity lookup in order to more easily find the correct Item for the language I am looking for.

We want people to select any Item as the language of the Lexeme. However we need to boost the Items that represent languages.

GIVEN a Lexeme language input on Special:New Lexeme
WHEN typing in the language lookup
THEN Items representing languages are boosted in the results

Acceptance criteria:

  • Items representing languages are boosted in the Lexeme language input
  • Items not representing languages can still be added


  • When the user queries, they see the Items that are languages first and then all the other Items in the Lookup component.
  • This might include a new ranking/boosting in ElasticSearch; this would probably involve the Search Platform team but also our side to add some profile parameter to wbsearchentities
  • T183510 is how we deboosted scientific articles in search

Event Timeline

Lydia_Pintscher renamed this task from Prioritize Items for languages in the Item lookup to Lexeme Language Lookup - Prioritize Items for languages in the Item lookup.Dec 21 2021, 8:23 PM
Lydia_Pintscher created this task.
Lydia_Pintscher moved this task from Backlog to milestone 3 on the Special:NewLexeme revival board.

Backlog refinement note: we probably won’t have the new search profile on Beta or Test Wikidata, but we can test this task in the dev entry point, which searches real Wikidata (as soon as the new profile exists there, potentially before the new special page is enabled in production).