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Enable Section Translation on newly created Wikipedias by default
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Currently when a new Wikipedia is created, Content Translation is enabled by default. However, Section Translation is still enabled following a more manual process. This ticket proposes to enable Section Translation on newly created Wikipedias by default.

In this way, the newly created wikis have more tools available to grow, and the backlog of wikis to enable Section Translation in won't be growing over time with the creation of new wikis.

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This will require some tricky config as we manually add targetlanguage in SectionTranslation config. @ngkountas Is it possible to enable all languages as default in the target language and rely on wgContentTranslationEnableSectionTranslation only to enable Section Translation in target Wiki?

@KartikMistry yes we can do this. I'm pushing the needed patch soon.

@Pginer-WMF if we enable all languages by default as target languages for production wikis, the user will be able to select as target language, a language for which SectionTranslation is not enabled. This will navigate the user to the Special:ContentTranslation page in target wiki, where section translation is not available. Do you think it's ok to have this behaviour?

@Pginer-WMF if we enable all languages by default as target languages for production wikis, the user will be able to select as target language, a language for which SectionTranslation is not enabled. This will navigate the user to the Special:ContentTranslation page in target wiki, where section translation is not available. Do you think it's ok to have this behaviour?

That seems problematic. If it is only viable to enable Section translation automatically for new wikis once we have it available in all existing wikis, we can consider it a blocker and wait until then.

My suggestion is that we follow this scenario: the user visits the unified dashboard in a production wiki on mobile and they can choose any language available as target language by cxserver (given by this request: Now, I believe we can suppose that CX is enabled for any of these languages. So we redirect to the target wiki and the unified dashboard is displayed. Depending on whether SX is enabled for this wiki (based on the value of "ContentTranslationEnableSectionTranslation" config parameter), we either let the user use the mobile editor (SX), or we redirect them to the desktop editor (CX), once a translation has been selected.

The only blocker for this behaviour would be having the unified dashboard deployed everywhere, as the default.

@Pginer-WMF what do you think about this proposal?

@Pginer-WMF what do you think about this proposal?

The proposal makes sense. However, I think we may be able to get section translation available in all wikis before the unified dashboard.
At the current state:

  • Having Section Translation means to move from a totally broken experience (desktop Content Translation on a mobile device) to a mobile experience that works (even if there are pending improvements and some bugs). So it seems a change that only represents improvements.
  • Having the Unified dashboard requires much care in the transition since there is a risk of breaking existing workflows (T353244)

In any case, we don't need to predict what is likely to happen first. We can document both dependencies and continue the work once any of them is resolved.

Change 995176 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] WIP: Enable Section Translation on newly created Wikipedias by default

Change 995176 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Enable Section Translation on newly created Wikipedias by default

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-28T08:28:34Z] <kartik@deploy2002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:995176|Enable Section Translation on newly created Wikipedias by default (T298235)]], [[gerrit:1004613|Enable SectionTranslation for Wikipedias where ContentTranslation is in beta (T353734)]] (duration: 12m 59s)

We are keeping the task open until a new Wikipedia is created and we can check how this works in practice.

Nikerabbit changed the task status from In Progress to Stalled.Apr 11 2024, 2:31 PM

We are keeping the task open until a new Wikipedia is created and we can check how this works in practice.

There are some new Wikipedias have been created recently and we can see CX/SX enabled by default. However, Adding language entry to the cxserver language list and target language for SX is yet to be done manually as I mentioned earlier.

We are keeping the task open until a new Wikipedia is created and we can check how this works in practice.

There are some new Wikipedias have been created recently and we can see CX/SX enabled by default. However, Adding language entry to the cxserver language list and target language for SX is yet to be done manually as I mentioned earlier.

At which point are we in this process?
I checked Section Translation for one of the new Wikipedias (kus) and when accessing the mobile experience ( ) the browser loads the dashboard for a second and automatically redirects to the "ace" language version ( )

Is this because of the pending manual adjustments or something else?

We are keeping the task open until a new Wikipedia is created and we can check how this works in practice.

There are some new Wikipedias have been created recently and we can see CX/SX enabled by default. However, Adding language entry to the cxserver language list and target language for SX is yet to be done manually as I mentioned earlier.

At which point are we in this process?
I checked Section Translation for one of the new Wikipedias (kus) and when accessing the mobile experience ( ) the browser loads the dashboard for a second and automatically redirects to the "ace" language version ( )

Is this because of the pending manual adjustments or something else?

Yes. "However, Adding language entry to the cxserver language list and target language for SX is yet to be done manually as I mentioned earlier."

In this part, cxserver entries are being done during the new Wikipedia creation process, but we still have to add entries in the target languages.

Yes. "However, Adding language entry to the cxserver language list and target language for SX is yet to be done manually as I mentioned earlier."

Is this happening as part of a manual process in -progress (i.e., we just need to wait), or do we need to create a ticket to coordinate the work on this?