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Set color of MenuItem label text in its base state
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The MenuItem component contains label and description text that should be @color-base initially and changes color when selected or active. While the color of the description text is explicitly set in the code, the color of the label text is not, so it may inherit colors in an undesirable way. For example, when TypeaheadSearch is used in Vector, the anchor tag color style (@color-primary) is inherited by the label text.

Acceptance criteria

  • Label text has color explicitly set
  • Active and selected color styles still apply properly

Event Timeline

Change 773627 had a related patch set uploaded (by Anne Tomasevich; author: Anne Tomasevich):

[design/codex@main] MenuItem: Reorganize and improve color styles

Change 773627 merged by jenkins-bot:

[design/codex@main] MenuItem: Reorganize and improve color styles

STH renamed this task from Set color of menu item label text in its base state to Set color of MenuItem label text in its base state.Apr 15 2022, 9:11 PM
STH changed the task status from Open to In Progress.
STH triaged this task as Medium priority.

I tried to override the color of the MenuItem label using dev tools in our demo site and found no inheritance issues. This change didn't impact the text color of the MenuItem on active state, which is displayed correctly.