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Analytics - Think about onboarding breadcrumbs
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Todo: Outline a few paths the user might take after onboarding, following a fresh install. Think about analytics for the same

Event Timeline

This is just a task for me so that I do not forget it. No need for triage. Setting priority to medium.

Notes to self:
Onboarding screen - Measure activity

If they see all onboarding screens, or skip?
Do they add languages?
Do they create an account?
Data usage?

Route 1: Onboarding screen -> Explore feed -> scroll or feed card / announcement card click

Route 2: Onboarding screen -> Saved -> empty screen with login prompt if not logged in -> track actions on the sync reading lists screen prompt

Route 3: Onboarding screen -> Search -> article

Route4: Onboarding screen -> Edits -> login prompt if not logged in

Route 5 : Onboarding screen -> More -> login, Settings or donate

Schema design:

"screen_name": Screen that the action is performed on
"action": Action taken by the user on the screen
"time_spent_ms": Is this needed? Removed this field per discuss on our 1:1:1 - This will not be a times schema - Cc @JTannerWMF @SNowick_WMF

A typical event will be simple and might look like this: {"onboarding_languages_screen", "seen", ...}, {"onboarding_languages_screen", "add_language_click", ...}

onboarding_languages.png (2×1 px, 207 KB)

Change 794023 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] New schema for android app breadcrumbs

Change 794023 merged by jenkins-bot:

[schemas/event/secondary@master] New schema for android app breadcrumbs

Noting here: Depending on volume of data we see with beta release we may want to consider implementing data sampling on stream config (should be by device not by session, so we get whole sets of user data). Will follow up when we have a better grasp on volume in a few days.