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IPInfo refuses to show IP informations if IP made only Flow modifications
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


List of steps to reproduce
Try to consult w:fr:Spécial:Contributions/

What happens?
Show 3 modifications, only on Flow pages ; but IPInfo considers that the IP has not made any changes.
IPInfo show error message « Les informations sur l’adresse IP pour cette adresse ne peuvent pas être récupérées puisqu’il n’y a eu aucune modification effectuée sur ce wiki. »
This is not true, as three changes have been made on Flow page.

What should have happened instead?
IPInfo should detect the contribs under Flow, and display the IP information box.

(sorry for my bad English)

Event Timeline

Yeah it's happening for the same reason. IPInfo isn't set up to recognize or handle Flow/Structured Discussion edits.

Tgr subscribed.

Flow recentchanges entries use rc_source value flow (or Flow\Data\Listener\RecentChangesListener::SRC_FLOW if you want to be nice about it). Contributions / revisions aren't stored in the database in the normal way; check out the ContributionsQuery and DeletedContributionsQuery hooks. Although if you handle things close to the display side of MediaWiki, it shouldn't make much difference.