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Unsubscribe link broken
Closed, InvalidPublic


The link donors use to unsubscribe from fundraising emails is broken. All donors, and DR, are getting this message:

Screenshot 2022-11-16 at 09.56.09.png (1×2 px, 154 KB)

The permanent link DR has is, and then each donors has a uniquely coded version. Example from CID #47542887 below:

We have paused all sends, but cannot resume fundraising until this is fixed.

DR can still unsubscribe via Civi, but we have no way of snoozing donors, and donors do not currently have a way to opt themselves out.

Could this be related to a fix we have deployed for this task? Thanks for figuring it out !

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Event Timeline

krobinson triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Nov 16 2022, 9:01 AM
krobinson updated the task description. (Show Details)
krobinson added subscribers: Eileenmcnaughton, greg.
krobinson updated the task description. (Show Details)

It looks to me like the page is available again

The unsubscribe page is hosted by Acoustic. According to they have been seeing issues this morning on Pod 4, which I think is the one we use

ah, thanks, @Pcoombe. I missed your comment. I can also confirm the URL is working for me.

Marking this as invalid (since it wasn't actually an issue on our end, but with Acoustic) so as to not keep around an UBN! open in phab (many folks watch for all UBN! in phab, no matter the project).

Always fun :)