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Should the credits page provide a "Show IP" button for temporary users?
Closed, DeclinedPublic


To get the credits page:

  • Go to any page
  • Add action=credits as a query parameter

The credits page shows a list of users who have contributed to a page. Because it's not in the Special namespace, the "Show IP" script is not loaded on that page. However, whether it should be is not clear to me.

On one hand before IP Masking it would show the IP address, but I'm not sure what the need is to know the IP of the user for this page.

Example credits page:

image.png (370×1 px, 78 KB)

Event Timeline

Dreamy_Jazz renamed this task from Should the credits page provide a "Show IP" button for temporary users to Should the credits page provide a "Show IP" button for temporary users?.Mar 2 2023, 2:25 PM

@Prtksxna Any thoughts on this? Would be nice to move forward with this, or decline, or remove from the MVP tree.

Having discussed with @Prtksxna, we won't add this as part of the MVP (the design is a bit crowded with extra buttons and Special:Contributions is easily reachable). We can do this later if users ask for it..