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Move EntitySchema data type messages from Wikibase.git to EntitySchema.git
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The following three messages related to the entity-schema data type are currently defined in Wikibase, but should move to the EntitySchema extension:

  • datatypes-type-entity-schema
  • wikibase-listdatatypes-entity-schema-head
  • wikibase-listdatatypes-entity-schema-body

Note that their message keys cannot be changed and will remain constant. (We have similar messages in e.g. WikibaseLexeme or Math.) I don’t know how to move messages between repositories without breaking – is it enough to remove all the messages (or perhaps just the en and qqq ones) from Wikibase and add them to EntitySchema at the same time, and everything else happens automatically? Or do we need some administrative action from translatewiki?

There is also a fourth message:

  • wikibase-validator-illegal-entity-schema-title

I didn’t use it in T333813: Add validator to EntitySchema data type definition, but I suppose it would be nice to use it, given that it has 30 translations already. Should we make the EntitySchema code use it? And in this case, the message key is more flexible – it has to start with wikibase-validator-, but we can choose something else for the rest if we want. Should we also move this message while keeping the key, or rename it?

Event Timeline

On second thought, seems like a better tag than (though I’m not 100% sure).

"I don’t know how to move messages between repositories without breaking – is it enough to remove all the messages (or perhaps just the en and qqq ones) from Wikibase and add them to EntitySchema at the same time, and everything else happens automatically? "

Yes, Automagic :-) as long as it happen at the same time.

Alright, and should we move all the languages, or just en and qqq?

Alright, and should we move all the languages, or just en and qqq?

en and qqq only. The rest will be done automagically by TWN

Change 910485 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Move data type messages to EntitySchema

Change 910506 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Move data type messages from Wikibase

Change 910513 had a related patch set uploaded (by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE); author: Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Use wikibase-validator-illegal-entity-schema-title message

Yes, Automagic :-) as long as it happen at the same time.

Just to confirm: "at the same time" will in practice mean something like "be deleted from one repo and added to a different repo within the same hour, assuming we time it right and are lucky with CI", it will NOT mean "within one single change". Is that good enough for it to work?

Yes, Automagic :-) as long as it happen at the same time.

Just to confirm: "at the same time" will in practice mean something like "be deleted from one repo and added to a different repo within the same hour, assuming we time it right and are lucky with CI", it will NOT mean "within one single change". Is that good enough for it to work?

Yes, it is. +/- 1-2 hours between the merge of both patches does not matter as I know this task. I am monitoring the daily of MediaWiki Core and Extensions.

Yes, Automagic :-) as long as it happen at the same time.

Just to confirm: "at the same time" will in practice mean something like "be deleted from one repo and added to a different repo within the same hour, assuming we time it right and are lucky with CI", it will NOT mean "within one single change". Is that good enough for it to work?

Yes, it is. +/- 1-2 hours between the merge of both patches does not matter as I know this task. I am monitoring the daily of MediaWiki Core and Extensions.

Thank you! 🙏

Change 910485 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Move data type messages to EntitySchema

Change 910506 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Move data type messages from Wikibase

Change 910513 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/EntitySchema@master] Use wikibase-validator-illegal-entity-schema-title message

Looks like it worked, shows that the message is in the ext-entityschema group now \o/ thanks all!