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Label box optimizations
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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May 24 2023, 12:21 PM
Referenced Files
F37144511: telegram-cloud-photo-size-2-5316503329116900936-x.jpg
Jul 20 2023, 12:10 PM
F37111194: image.png
Jun 21 2023, 1:26 PM
F37111199: IMG_A13134DDC525-1.jpeg
Jun 21 2023, 1:26 PM
F37111192: image.png
Jun 21 2023, 1:26 PM
F37084014: image.png
May 30 2023, 10:20 AM
F37034649: image.png
May 25 2023, 4:42 PM
F37031195: image.png
May 24 2023, 2:45 PM



  • on mobile web (minerva neue skin) the widget is attached to the toolbar T354978 or T349408
  • .ext-wikilambda-about-value is set to color-subtle instead of color-base gerrit/934407
  • when creating a brand new object, the "Untitled" placeholder is not displayed under "Labels" T339876
  • the button icon is set to color-subtle instead of color-base
  • there's a missing space after the comma separating each alias T343538

most of the visual conflicts between the specs and the implementation, come from the inherit styles from these classes

.cdx-card__text__description .cdx-icon, 
.cdx-card__text__supporting-text .cdx-icon


  • on smaller screens there are multiple dividers visible
  • the dialog z-index is lower compared to the header T343303

dialog "Labels in other languages"

  • .ext-wikilambda-about-language-item-title is set to color-suble instead of color-base gerrit/934407

dialog "Edit information"

  • .ext-wikilambda-about-edit-metadata-title is set to color-suble instead of color-base gerrit/934407

dialog "Language"

  • the language selector width is shorter compared to the other input fields T355946
    • image.png (466×1 px, 37 KB)

dialog "Edit information"

  • there's an extra space between the label .ext-wikilambda-about-edit-metadata-title and the (optional) span


  • the label for aliases is displayed even when there is no alias/es
  • we should display the "NN languages" button, even when only one language is available so that editors have an entry point to add labels in other languages too

dialog "Edit information"

  • on mobile web (minerva neue), when the keyboard is open i can't scroll the dialog to fill the fields below. shall we opt for a full-screen dialog on mobile web instead?

dialog "Labels in other languages"

  • languages are not alphabetically sorted, they are sorted by date creation T355951

Event Timeline

i've reviewed, edited, and updated the description of this task, and most of the noted issues have been addressed. the remaining (small) things have been filed as separate tasks. i'd suggest to verify and resolve this task.

Jdforrester-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.