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[QA task] UI review for mobile Function view
Open, LowPublic


The task is a review of non-tab design for Function page (T339954).
The following function pages were compared - and
(1) non-logged user

current production wmf.13beta wikifuncitons new design
Screen Shot 2024-01-12 at 12.29.04 PM.png (1×890 px, 108 KB)
Screen Shot 2024-01-12 at 12.50.16 PM.png (1×864 px, 140 KB)
  • the pencil icon in About section has no effect when clicked by non-logged user. The old design doesn't have such edit control displayed to users who cannot edit function definition

(2) the text on Details tab page (old design) - "Anyone can propose..." - is not present on Function page in the new design (not mobile-specific)
(3) the space between the lang icon and is rather tight.

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Screen Shot 2024-01-12 at 12.14.42 PM.png (1×738 px, 115 KB)

Event Timeline

(1) non-logged user. the pencil icon in About section has no effect when clicked by non-logged user. The old design doesn't have such edit control displayed to users who cannot edit function definition

this reflects what we currently have in production, where non-logged users cannot edit function definitions, e.g.

CleanShot 2024-01-15 at 18.08.24@2x.png (1×3 px, 223 KB)

(2) the text on Details tab page (old design) - "Anyone can propose..." - is not present on Function page in the new design (not mobile-specific)

this is intentional. the text was only about test and implementations, not catering for function definition nor translations. and it was linking to an out-of-date page. we're testing an approach similar to Wikipedia where "anyone can edit" is implicit.

(3) the space between the lang icon and is rather tight.

+1. wondering if this might be Codex-related?

i would also add two minor issues to this task if you agree @Etonkovidova :

  1. there is no space between the mediawiki header and the about widget, we can set it to 24px equivalent / @spacing-150
    CleanShot 2024-01-15 at 18.35.41@2x.png (1×1 px, 227 KB)
  2. the bottom spacing between the widgets is inconsistent, we can set it everywhere to 24px equivalent / @spacing-150
    CleanShot 2024-01-15 at 18.37.02@2x.png (1×996 px, 167 KB)
Mcastro moved this task from To triage to Backlog on the Abstract Wikipedia team board.

I thinnk you have mistakenly assigned this task to me.

(3) the space between the lang icon and is rather tight.

this is codex related, and it's being address here T356103: Natural space between icon and button text is lost in MinervaNeue