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Limit reference edit check to edits that involve people adding a new paragraph
Closed, ResolvedPublic


At present, the reference Edit Check will get activated if someone adds new content regardless of where said new content is added within an article.

This ticket involves the work of adding additional logic to the existing reference check heuristic[i] that will make it so the check only gets initiated/activated when someone attempts to add a minimum of one new paragraph of text to the article they are editing. [ii]


  1. "Update" the reference check heuristic T324730 implemented to make it so the reference check only gets initiated/activated when someone attempts to add a minimum of one new paragraph of text to the article they are editing. [ii]
  2. Update the relevant Edit Check tags to reflect the adjustment "1." describes


i. The heuristic that "powers" the reference check heuristic was originally implemented in T324730
ii. Where "new" in this context means the content they are adding does NOT already exist elsewhere within the article.

Event Timeline

Per what the Editing Team talked about offline today, we are going to prioritize work on implementing what this task is describing prior to T331947 happening.

In making this decision we:

  1. Accept that this ticket will narrow the scope of edits that have the potential to activate the references edit check
    1. Rationale: as a team, we decided that, to start, we will pursue an approach that minimizes false positives. Over time, we can make the heuristic more expansive/robust. See more in T329988#8654867.
  2. Will revisit whether the tradeoff "1A)" names is one we should continue to accept in T345300

Change 954293 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; author: Esanders):

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Only trigger edit check when inserted text is in a new paragraph

Change 954293 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Only trigger edit check when inserted text is in a new paragraph