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Navigation error caused by "VariantAlly" gadget: "Page not found: /w/undefined"
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT

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Dec 1 2023, 3:02 AM
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Unknown Object (File)
Dec 1 2023, 2:10 PM
F41550192: undefined.mp4
Dec 1 2023, 3:02 AM
"Y So Serious" token, awarded by Cwek."Barnstar" token, awarded by Jdlrobson.


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Open visual editor
  • Click any button on the toolbar
  • Page not found: /w/undefined

Event Timeline

MilkyDefer added a subscriber: Winston_Sung.

I tried using visual editor in Japanese and Korean Wikipedia and found no problems. I think it is safe to assume that this is another Chinese-exclusive problem.

As with previous experiences with Chinese language-exclusive problems, @Winston_Sung do you have any idea?

This comment was removed by HualinXMN.

The problem may not appear when safe mode is activated. That means this is most likely a local gadget issue. Sorry for casting doubt on the translation team.

This is caused by an on-wiki gadget:

@Jdlrobson's edit fixed it throwing exception but caused it to return undefined, causing more breakage.

As the maintainer of the gadget I suggest change line 140:

} catch (e) {
	return; // <-- here


} catch (e) {
	return link;

and link 213:

var anchor_1 = target.closest('a');


var anchor_1 = target.closest('a[href]');
Diskdance renamed this task from Page not found: /w/undefined to Navigation error caused by on-wiki gadget: Page not found: /w/undefined.Dec 1 2023, 2:26 PM

Caused by VariantAlly function rewriteAnchors .


This is caused by an on-wiki gadget:

@Jdlrobson's edit fixed it throwing exception but caused it to return undefined, causing more breakage.

As the maintainer of the gadget I suggest change line 140:

} catch (e) {
	return; // <-- here


} catch (e) {
	return link;

and link 213:

var anchor_1 = target.closest('a');


var anchor_1 = target.closest('a[href]');


This still sets an href, it just sets the href to the current page. Now click on OOUI tools reload the page. The fix to the library ( should cause it to skip over non-href <a> tags.

I've applied my own fix with @disksance 's blessing and things appear to be working now.

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Aklapper renamed this task from Navigation error caused by on-wiki gadget: Page not found: /w/undefined to Navigation error caused by "VariantAlly" gadget: "Page not found: /w/undefined".Dec 4 2023, 6:40 PM