Page MenuHomePhabricator displays wrong digits for users preferred language in the top-ten section
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story PointsBUG REPORT

Assigned To
Authored By
Jan 30 2024, 4:20 PM
Referenced Files
F41860060: screenshot 496.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41860057: screenshot 495.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41860013: screenshot 494.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41860009: screenshot 493.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41859963: screenshot 492.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41859961: screenshot 491.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41859959: screenshot 490.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM
F41859890: screenshot 489.png
Feb 12 2024, 2:06 AM


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Navigate to

What happens?:
The counter below Polish (Polski) uses Arabic (Middle-Eastern) digits instead of western Arabic (European) ones.

What should have happened instead?:
The counter should use digits as used in Europe, eg. 1600000

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
The preview is what's loaded for a Poland-based user, perhaps the pages are different for other locations.

Screenshot_20240130_171719_Edge.jpg (1×1 px, 144 KB)

Requirements (QA)

The portal page, as well as it's related sister project portals: ,, etc. should make it easy for users to access projects in their preferred language. If a user has language preferences set in their browser, that language (or languages) should appear first in the top-ten section of the page. Those language should also have the correct article count for that site.

BDD Scenario (Regression)

Feature: Article Count Display in European Digits

As a user accessing Wikipedia in Polish,
I want to see the article count displayed in European digits,
So that the count is consistent with the numeric system commonly used in Europe.

Scenario 0: Validate article count in European digits for Polish language

  • Given I navigate to the Wikipedia portal
  • When I look at the article count for Polish (Polski)
  • Then I should see the count displayed in European digits (e.g., 1,600,000) instead of Arabic (Middle-Eastern) digits.

BDD Scenario (Requirement)
Feature: Language Preference on Wikimedia Portals

As a user,
I want the Wikimedia portals to display projects in my preferred language,
So that I can easily access information in the language I understand best.

Given the user has language preferences set in their browser

Scenario 1: Display preferred language projects at the top
Given the user visits
And the user's preferred language is set to "Spanish" in the browser
When the page loads
Then the Spanish language option appears first in the top-ten section of the portal page.

Scenario 2: Display multiple preferred languages
Given the user visits
And the user's preferred languages are set to "French" and "German" in the browser, in that order
When the page loads
Then the French and German language options appear first and second, respectively, in the top-ten section of the portal page.

Scenario 3: Correct article count for preferred language
Given the user visits
And the user's preferred language is set to "Italian" in the browser
When the page loads
Then the Italian language option displays with the correct article count for the Italian Wikiquote site.

Scenario 4: No preferred language set
Given the user visits
And the user has not set a preferred language in the browser
When the page loads
Then the page displays projects in the default language order.

Scenario 5: Preferred language not in the top ten
Given the user visits
And the user's preferred language is set to "Welsh" in the browser
And Welsh is not typically in the top-ten languages by article count
When the page loads
Then Welsh still appears in the top-ten section for the user.

QA Results - Beta

Event Timeline

Change 992961 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdrewniak; author: Func):

[wikimedia/portals@master] Fix the top 10 featured language for Chinese sites

Change 992961 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/portals@master] Fix the top 10 featured language for Chinese sites

Jdrewniak renamed this task from displays wrong digits for Polish to displays wrong digits for users preferred language in the top-ten section.Jan 30 2024, 7:43 PM
Jdrewniak reassigned this task from Jdrewniak to Edtadros.
Jdrewniak updated the task description. (Show Details)
Jdrewniak subscribed.

Change 994373 had a related patch set uploaded (by Func; author: Func):

[wikimedia/portals@master] Follow-up 110950f6: Use the stripped language name for top 10

Edtadros subscribed.

@Jdrewniak, I believe this isn't testable in beta (I recall it was mentioned during estimation that it is prod only because that page doesn't exist in beta). Additionally, there are some requirements listed in the description:

The portal page, as well as it's related sister project portals: ,, etc. should make it easy for users to access projects in their preferred language. If a user has language preferences set in their browser, that language (or languages) should appear first in the top-ten section of the page. Those language should also have the correct article count for that site.

Are these in the scope of this task?

Jdlrobson subscribed.

This can be tested and Verified in production.

Change 994373 had a related patch set uploaded (by Func; author: Func):

[wikimedia/portals@master] Follow-up 110950f6: Use the stripped language name for top 10

@Jdrewniak, could you please check this before the coming portal deployment window? It's important to fix my mistake in the previous patch.

@Func Jan is out this week so we'd need to find a different deployer :-(

Test Result - Beta

Status: ✅ PASS / ❓Need More Info
Environment: beta
OS: macOS Sonoma
Browser: Chrome
Device: MBA
Emulated Device:NA

Test Artifact(s):

QA Steps

Scenario 0: Validate Article Count in European Digits for Polish Language

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the Wikipedia portal (
  3. Locate the article count for the Polish (Polski) language option.
  4. Verify that the article count is displayed in European digits (e.g., "1,600,000") instead of Arabic (Middle-Eastern) digits.

✅ AC0 Expected Result: The article count is displayed in the format "1,600,000" or similar, using commas to separate thousands.

screenshot 482.png (617×1 px, 105 KB)
screenshot 483.png (934×431 px, 94 KB)

Scenario 1: Display Preferred Language Projects at the Top

  1. Set the browser language preference to "Spanish".
  2. Open a web browser.
  3. Navigate to the Wikimedia portal (
  4. Observe the order of language options in the top-ten section of the portal page.
  5. Verify that the Spanish language option appears first.

✅ AC1 Expected Result: The Spanish language option is displayed at the top of the top-ten section.

screenshot 484.png (615×1 px, 104 KB)
screenshot 485.png (930×433 px, 92 KB)

Scenario 2: Display Multiple Preferred Languages

  1. Set the browser language preferences to "French" and "German", in that order.
  2. Open a web browser.
  3. Navigate to the Wikimedia portal (
  4. Observe the order of language options in the top-ten section of the portal page.
  5. Verify that the French and German language options appear first and second, respectively.

✅ AC2 Expected Result: French appears as the first option, and German appears as the second option in the top-ten section.

screenshot 488.png (614×1 px, 118 KB)
screenshot 489.png (932×435 px, 105 KB)

Scenario 3: Correct Article Count for Preferred Language

  1. Set the browser language preference to "Italian".
  2. Open a web browser.
  3. Navigate to the Wikimedia portal (
  4. Observe the Italian language option on the portal page.
  5. Verify that the Italian language option displays the correct article count for the Italian Wikiquote site.

✅ AC3 Expected Result: The article count for the Italian Wikiquote is displayed accurately and matches the count found on the Italian Wikiquote site.

screenshot 490.png (618×1 px, 79 KB)
screenshot 491.png (937×431 px, 90 KB)
screenshot 492.png (314×556 px, 32 KB)

Scenario 4: No Preferred Language Set

  1. Ensure no preferred language is set in the browser.
  2. Open a web browser.
  3. Navigate to the Wikimedia portal (
  4. Observe the language options order on the portal page.
  5. Verify that the page displays projects in the default language order.

❓ AC4 Expected Result: The languages are listed in the default order, irrespective of user preferences.
Not sure what the default order is, but this is what is shown.

screenshot 493.png (609×884 px, 60 KB)
screenshot 494.png (933×430 px, 89 KB)

Scenario 5: Preferred Language Not in the Top Ten

  1. Set the browser language preference to "Welsh".
  2. Open a web browser.
  3. Navigate to the Wikimedia portal (
  4. Observe the language options in the top-ten section of the portal page.
  5. Verify that Welsh appears in the top-ten section for the user.

✅ AC5 Expected Result: Despite Welsh not typically being in the top ten languages by article count, it appears in the top-ten section for the user.

screenshot 495.png (616×1 px, 113 KB)
screenshot 496.png (931×427 px, 91 KB)
Edtadros updated the task description. (Show Details)
ovasileva claimed this task.