As part of MinT for Wikipedia Readers MVP (T359072), users have access to machine translated contents. When accessing a machine translated content, browsers may try to apply their machine translation support on the content.
This can be confusing (with added UI about translation from the browser) and produce lower quality results (translating from a translation instead of translating from the original).
This ticket proposes use the W3C "translate" attribute to indicate that machine translated contents are not intended for translation. Marking the translated contents of the Translation view with translate="no", will avoid browsers to add additional machine translation functionality on top.
In the example below a translation to Korean with MinT is shown in the browser with options to translate it again using the Google Translate browser support:
Google Translate options showing in Chrome when accessing MinT machine translated content | Selecting the "English options provides a Google Translate translation into English for the content MinT translated into Korean (from English) |