Hello! Please add Junicode as a font for the Old English Wikimedia projects. Also consider looking into the Beowulf font. I am not sure that it is free, but if it is, we would like it to be installed as an option.
Junicode is under the SIL OFL, but I'm not sure about the Beowulf font.
See discussion:
P.S. If possible, add an option to use OpenType tag ss02. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font-feature-settings
In Junicode, this enables insular-style writing, which is desired as an additional option. However, we would like default Junicode as well, not just ss02.
P.P.S. Don't make these the default (yet).
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
URL: https://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesprec:Hēafodtramet#Fonts_again_.28add_Junicode_to_.22Universal_Language_Selector.22.3F.29