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pywikibot should use standard output
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Originally from:
Reported by: tgr_
Created on: 2013-02-17 14:02:13
Subject: pywikipediabot should use standard output
Original description:
All pywikipedia messages go to standard error, making the proper running of such bots from cron very difficult. Normal messages should go to standard output, and only suprising messages \(python errors, block notifications, new message notifcations\) should go to standard error.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also:



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 2:23 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz55151.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (????).

Data that can be used for further processing \('pipe'\) should be sent to stdout. All messages that are only relevant for the user should be sent to stderr. Errors should not be detected by checking if anything was written to stderr, but by checking the return value \(which will be non-zero if an error occurred\).

Basically, this is a well-known cron problem. See, for instance,

I disagree. Non-zero return value is for errors from which the application could not recover. There might be errors or unexpected important events which do not cause the bot to fail but should be reported nevertheless. \(For example if an interwikibot gets a talk page message on one of the many wikis it visits, that should be reported, maybe the bot should stop working on that wiki until the owner can check the message, but it certainly should not stop working on all other wikis.\)

If you want to show human-readable output to humans, and machine-processable output to scripts, the proper solution for that is to detect \(via sys.stdout.isatty\(\)\) whether you are writing to a terminal, and format accordingly \(and allow overriding the behavior via a command line switch\). That is how sophisticated command line applications usually operate; compare, for example, the output from 'ls' and 'ls | cat'.

> /dev/null was invented to suppress screen output. To prevent scripts of using this option is a misuse. Even if the script is not run from cron, operator may wish not to see messages and his screen scrolled.

I think it would be good since jsub tasks in labs save output in two different files. one .out and one .err

There are three types of messages (more or less):

  • errors
  • normal output (status)
  • data

Currently it's the the first two are going to stderr while the last is going to stdout. The problem is now, someone who wants to gets data wouldn't want this to be changed. We have three streams (if we don't count warnings) but only two targets. Instead of printing more to stdout I think it should be possible to redirect where the logs are going. So that someone could say that messages with 'error' level are going to stderr, and the rest to stdout. Then it's in the hand of the script to use a sensible output level and not always use pywikibot.output to output anything.

jayvdb set Security to None.
Harej removed Harej as the assignee of this task.Jun 12 2016, 10:55 PM
Harej added a project: Reports-bot.
Harej moved this task from Backlog to Radar on the Reports-bot board.
Harej subscribed.
Xqt subscribed.

We use Python logging [1] for several types of messages. Please refer the manual; probalbly the behaviour can be changed with some Settings. Also give some hintes or ideas what can be changed on framework side. I've no idea yet and don't want to reinvent the wheel to provide a new logging system outside the Python library part.


Please reopen if you have further ideas.