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"float: none" should be cleaned up ContentTranslation LESS files
Closed, ResolvedPublic


ContentTranslation LESS files have a lot of "float: none" rules marked with XXX. This makes the display correct, but it seems to me that they aren't really needed and that there should be another way to make these row elements stack, but I can't think of a proper way to do it.

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 3:40 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz68925.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Is this related to the grid framework we are using?

(In reply to Niklas Laxström from comment #1)

Is this related to the grid framework we are using?

Yes. I'd expect that the grid will handle that automatically without the need for this rule. It's also possible that I misunderstand what the grid is supposed to do :)

List of such float: name cases

40: float: none; XXX why would it be needed?
53: float: none;
XXX why would it be needed?
62: float: none; XXX why would it be needed?
85: float: none;
XXX why would it be needed?

40: float: none;

43: float: none; XXX why would it be needed?
55: float: none;
XXX why would it be needed?
64: float: none; // XXX why would it be needed?

8: float: none; XXX why would it be needed?
15: float: none;
XXX why would it be needed?
96: float: none; XXX why would it be needed?
137: float: none;
XXX why would it be needed?

17: float: none;

126: float: none;

This comment was removed by Pginer-WMF.

Change 259638 had a related patch set uploaded (by Amire80):
MT Card: Avoid having a dedicated element for clearfix

Change 259638 merged by jenkins-bot:
MT Card: Avoid having a dedicated element for clearfix

Arrbee claimed this task.