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File upload area resorts to 0777 permissions to for uploaded content
Closed, ResolvedPublic


(Bryan Davis from

Ran chmod -R =rwX /data/project/upload7 to fix all file permissions.

(Marc A. Pelletier from

Be aware that doing so has given write permission to any authenticated user.
This may not be a catastrophe in practice, but it has security impact.

(Bryan Davis from

(In reply to Marc A. Pelletier from comment #4)

Be aware that doing so has given write permission to any authenticated user.
This may not be a catastrophe in practice, but it has security impact.

This has been the fix for this particular issue as long as I've been helping
in beta. I agree that chmod 0777 is a lame solution, but the uid/gid
mismatches and NFS4 acls are a bit of a blocker to proper management of the
shared file permissions.

(Marc A. Pelletier from

NFSv4 doesn't actually require UID concordance so long as the user /name/
exists on the NFS server do that it doesn't fall back to numerical IDs - the
proper solution to this is to make certain that any user or group that owns
files in the shared filesystem exist on the NFS servers.

In the general Labs case, this is done through LDAP - but users and groups
coming from Debian packages need to either be added (before installation) to
LDAP or added to the NFS servers.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 3:45 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz73206.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

It should be sufficient for the MediaWiki runtime user (apache) to have read/write for the files and directories under the /data/project/upload7 NFS share. All hosts in the beta cluster should be made to agree on the uid of the apache user. This would probably involve creating an apache user in ldap, fixing all beta hosts to use that user instead of a local user and then fixing the shared file ownership to be 0775 apache:apache.

We had system users created in LDAP already, bug 66575 for cxserver and bug 63329 for parsoid.

Maybe we need to create in LDAP an apache user with uid 48 and a group with gid 48.

  • Bug 73309 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Per duplicate bug 73309, this blocks Bug 73229 - beta labs: "error while storing the file in the stash.'

root@deployment-bastion:/home/reedy# add-ldap-group --gid=48 apache
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/sbin/add-ldap-group", line 120, in <module>
File "/usr/local/sbin/add-ldap-group", line 38, in main
  ldapSupportLib.setBindInfoByOptions(options, parser)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 80, in setBindInfoByOptions
  self.binddn = self.getLdapInfo('USER', '/etc/ldap/.ldapscriptrc')
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 103, in getLdapInfo
  for line in f:

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment

What do you give for a pub key?

add-ldap-user --ui=48 --guid=48 apache ?????

Glancing at the source code of add-ldap-group, it seems to expect the existence of the /etc/ldap/.ldapscriptrc file, which would include the credentials to connect to LDAP. There are other options to provide the credentials.

Sam, that needs to be done on the whole labs LDAP. We probably don't have any credential there.

hashar renamed this task from File upload area resorts to 0777 permissions to for uploaded conent to File upload area resorts to 0777 permissions to for uploaded content.Nov 25 2014, 9:04 PM
hashar set Security to None.

What was done to resolve this one?

I think the only remaining work for this will be merging into rOPUP Wikimedia Puppet to ensure that future beta hosts create the apache user with the expected uid.

@ori, you revamped all the apache stuff could you give a peek? I'm unsure and this seems like it needs the 'last mile' to close.

yuvipanda claimed this task.

Fixed now with all the www-data work.