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UniversalLanguageSelector patches are blocked by voting schema tests
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For example, :

07:33:36 The module 'schema.UniversalLanguageSelector' required by 'ext.uls.eventlogger' must exist
07:33:36 Failed asserting that an array contains 'schema.UniversalLanguageSelector'.

It's either an issue in ULS or in Jenkins, and I'm inclined to think that it's the latter. AFAIK, ULS registers its schema correctly using the EventLoggingRegisterSchemas hook, and not by registering a module explicitly. If I am right, then the job must be made non-voting until it's fixed to support this way of registering schemas.

Event Timeline

Amire80 raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Amire80 changed Security from none to None.
Amire80 added subscribers: Amire80, KartikMistry.

The extension has bad resource loader definitions. You can reproduce on your local setup using:

cd tests/phpunit
php phpunit --testsuite structure

That is being run for all extensions since last week:

So looking quickly at ULS, it depends on a RL module schema.UniversalLanguageSelector which is not in the extension. That is for EventLogging so we have to add it as a dependency.

Change 181400 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar):
ULS depends on EventLogging


As I said, AFAIK the schema in ULS is loaded correctly using the hook, with the technique described here:;9522a747e665ef8d5229ccfb71363f7a1aff9597$46

If such usage is deprecated, we can update it, but I'd prefer not to change it without a good reason.

The problem is the Jenkins job does not clone the EventLogging extension when preparing the tests for ULS. The Gerrit patch above fix that dependency requirement.

Looks good to me now. Thank you.

Amire80 assigned this task to hashar.

Change 181400 merged by jenkins-bot:
ULS depends on EventLogging