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Gateway Reconciliation report times out
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


The base report at /civicrm/report/contribute/reconciliation is timing out.

We might be able to simply increase webserver timeouts. We should also be able to create Pats a new report instance with more constrained criteria, which will hopefully run a bit faster.

Report criteria:
Whatever we have in the gateway recon is perfect.

I need to able to:

  • choose dates,
  • see amount and
  • number of donations

And filter by:

Credit (+) or Debit (-)

Steps to run the report sanely:

Event Timeline

awight raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
awight updated the task description. (Show Details)
awight added subscribers: awight, Ppena.
Ppena set Security to None.

The issue seems to be that without specific criteria, we're doing a report on all of history and it's too expensive. This will be fixed by the Giant Rabbit reporting work, but until then, when I'm going to do is create a report instance that does something silly like a one-day window, so it loads fast, then you can start with that and copy it to create new instances with the criteria you want to work with.

atgo triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Feb 4 2015, 9:08 PM
atgo subscribed.
awight claimed this task.

I've gone ahead with the workaround here. We don't know yet if we're getting the background reports feature, but for now, that's my plan for a long-term solution.

@Ppena, please visit the following report and customize it as you need, using "Save as..." when it's ready to use. The issue here is that the base report pulls too much data, so I've created this instance with stripped down criteria so it can be quickly loaded and edited.

Hey @awight, I'd like to leave this open until @Ppena confirms that this does what she needs it to and is totally set. Thanks!

Sorry for the spam; testing wikibugs.

Another test, to make sure this also works.

And sorry again for spamming your bug, but I think the IRC report should work now :-)

@Ppena, I'm pretty sure this is a ridiculous bug having to do with login. I'm updating the task description with what I believe are the steps to work around the issues.

@Ppena, can you try again? Jeff doubled the timeout, and I can successfully pull

You probably still want to limit to one gateway at a time, if that's how you're reconciling anyway!

Sorry, another test to make sure the underlying issue also has been fixed.