
Expiring watch list entries (RFC Meeting, 2016-02-03)

Hosted by daniel on Feb 3 2016, 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM.


  • Location: #wikimedia-office IRC channel
  • Time: Weekly, Wednesday 22:00 UTC (2pm PST)
  • Meeting type: Field narrowing
  • Agenda:
    • T124752: RFC: Expiring watch list entries
    • Key Questions
      • Should the expiry date be its own field or should a properties field be introduced?
      • Is a more automatic way of keeping the watchlist table clean needed or will a maintenance script do?
      • Will indexes be needed on the expiry column in order for this to scale?
      • Should the refactoring talked about actually happen and if so should it happen before or after the changes?
      • Should custom expiry date be considered in the import/export process using Special:EditWatchlist/raw), or should all imported and exported watchlist entries always have unlimited watching duration?

See the Architecture meetings page for more general information about this meeting (also: Phab query: list of upcoming RFC meetings, Phab query: list of all RFC meetings).

Recurring Event

Event Series
This event is an instance of E66: ArchCom RFC Meeting Wxx: <topic TBD> (<see "Starts" field>, #wikimedia-office), and repeats every week.

Event Timeline

RobLa-WMF renamed this event from RFC Meeting on #wikimedia-office IRC channel to Expiring watch list entries (RFC Meeting, 2016-02-03).Jan 28 2016, 12:33 AM
RobLa-WMF updated the event description. (Show Details)
daniel renamed this event from Expiring watch list entries (RFC Meeting, 2016-02-03) to ArchCom RFC Meeting Wxx: <topic TBD> (<see "Starts" field>, #wikimedia-office).Nov 21 2016, 6:11 PM
daniel changed the host of this event from RobLa-WMF to daniel.
daniel uninvited: Addshore, Niharika.
daniel updated the event description. (Show Details)
daniel renamed this event from ArchCom RFC Meeting Wxx: <topic TBD> (<see "Starts" field>, #wikimedia-office) to Expiring watch list entries (RFC Meeting, 2016-02-03).