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Promote current alpha header to beta (for 1 month)
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points

Event Timeline

JKatzWMF raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
JKatzWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
JKatzWMF subscribed.

In one month, there may not be alpha anymore.

@JKatzWMF: Where's the context? What result(s) are we looking for? What do we intend to measure? Why 1 month?

Metrics: The goal is to measure impact on hamburger menu clicks (on icon and items) and search (start, click on result). 2 weeks might be sufficient for this.

Context: Early in the quarter we determined that this header is probably not our 'next header', but since it was almost ready to ship, I wanted to see how the design elements are playing out.

Change 219153 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bmansurov):
Promote alpha header to beta

@Jdlrobson, can you comment on my comment in the patch? thanks

Change 219807 had a related patch set uploaded (by Bmansurov):
Update dependency

Why is this ready for sign off and why is it in the last sprint still?

Change 219807 merged by jenkins-bot:
Update dependency

Not sure if this is meant to be in this sprint so clarification above required before reviewing.

To reply to
Personally I think we are using beta completely wrong in this case, but I reserve judgement here. It feels like we would get better data around this menu using a prototype from @pizzzacat there are far too many different things in beta to be able to measure impact on main menu clicks accurately, and even if we could trust the data I doubt it would be useful.

@Jdlrobson, I accidentally moved to ready for signoff when one of the dependencies was merged. The main patch is now ready for review. I guess we're just waiting for a reply to your question and that's why it's -1'ed above?

Yeh I just wanted to check since we committed to much less points and lots of stuff keeps creeping in... @phuedx ?

@Jdlrobson: AFAICT there isn't a lot of stuff that has crept into Reading-Web-Sprint-50-The-X-Files. There's the Gather work and a number of bugs around T102188 that I spotted during sign off.

To address your actual concern, this is less important than rounding off the Gather work.

KLans_WMF raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Jul 6 2015, 4:13 PM

Seems the file links don't work as I assumed…

The images that I was referring to in my review of 219153 were

Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 15.16.08.png (42×399 px, 7 KB)
Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 15.17.44.png (238×408 px, 23 KB)

I've updated the dependencies and submitted patches. Please review.

Change 219153 merged by jenkins-bot:
Promote alpha header to beta

I'm not sure if T105880 counts as a regression but moving this back to ready for sign off until that has been clarified.

I've triaged the bug as high priority for the starting sprint :(.

Also created T106272 for tracking the analysis date.