I'm proposing a new #Wikibase-Change-Services component, similar to (but independent from) the recent Wikibase-DataModel-Services component (see T93741: [RFC] Create place to put common Wikibase services for that).
#Wikibase-Change-Services depends on:
- Wikibase-DataModel
- Wikibase-DataModel-Services
- Most probably the Diff component.
- Possibly some DataValues components.
It can, obviously, not depend on MediaWiki, Wikibase Client, Lib and/or Repo.
#Wikibase-Change-Services contains, for a start:
- \Wikibase\Summary
- \Wikibase\SummaryFormatter
- \Wikibase\ClaimSummaryBuilder
- I want to move some Change/Changers/ChangeOp stuff there.
- (to be continued)