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Select a host of the 2017 Wikimedia Hackathon
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We will host another Wikimeda Hackathon in 2017. We need to select a host.
In advance of putting the call out for hosts we need to integrate feedback from last year and define a clear process for selection. I will use this task to track subtasks and report on progress towards this effort.

As of Jan 20 we are well into the process of defining the process. I hope to be able to send out the call for hosts in early Feb, 2016.

Event Timeline

Rfarrand claimed this task.
Rfarrand raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
Rfarrand updated the task description. (Show Details)
Rfarrand added subscribers: Rfarrand, Qgil.

A call for hosts went out on Feb 8th. There is also updated realted documentation, timeline, etc.

Hope to decide between March 8th - March 14th.

The 2017 Wikimedia Hackathon will be held in Vienna, Austria. Unconfirmed dates: May 19-21, 2017.