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Styling adjustments for user stats in the translation dashboard
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a continuation of T111776: Show basic user stats in the translation dashboard, some improvements are pending:

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  • The title proposed was "your statistics" using the same text style and size as "Need help with translations?" in order to present both as two sections of the tools panel.
    • These sections will benefit from some additional space between them.
    • The use of the username could work but it already appears in the logged-in indicator.
  • The updated icon for representing users is a different one (SVG: F3138213, PNG: F3138214). More details in T115419#1909775).
  • The background of the chart should have some padding at the top (i.e., the highest bar should not touch the top edge).
  • Activity bars should not stretch. Bars should have a constant width. It is ok if there is empty space when there is not enough activity, but stretching the bars too much makes them no longer look like a bar chart.

cx-suggestions.png (829×1 px, 128 KB)

There is also a related ticket for improvements in this area: T127696: Distinguish the current month on user stats from the translation dashboard

Event Timeline

Amire80 edited projects, added Essential-Work; removed Language-Team.

All specs are done in some fashion:

  • The title proposed was "your statistics" using the same text style and size as "Need help with translations?" in order to present both as two sections of the tools panel.

Title was changed to "Your statistics" in T158646.

User icon was moved to personal header in T160918.

  • The background of the chart should have some padding at the top (i.e., the highest bar should not touch the top edge).
  • Activity bars should not stretch. Bars should have a constant width. It is ok if there is empty space when there is not enough activity, but stretching the bars too much makes them no longer look like a bar chart.

Both of these are done in T175141.