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Make SiteMatrix less WMF specific
Closed, ResolvedPublic


cf T132125#2481547

Messages that need addressing:

	"sitematrix": "List of Wikimedia wikis",
	"sitematrix-summary": "This special page lists all Wikimedia wikis.",
	"sitematrix-desc": "Displays a [[Special:SiteMatrix|list of Wikimedia wikis]]",
	"sitematrix-others": "Other Wikimedia projects",
	"apihelp-sitematrix-description": "Get Wikimedia sites list.\n\nThe code (technically dbname/wikiid) is either the language code + project code for content projects or the subdomain + main domain for all the others.",
	"apihelp-sitematrix-param-type": "Filter the Site Matrix by type:\n;special:One off and multilingual Wikimedia projects.\n;language:Wikimedia projects under this language code.",

Event Timeline

Besides the messages, there are also some wikimedia specific special page aliases, such as Special:WikimediaWikis.

DannyS712 subscribed.

Suggest copying the current message content to WikimediaMessages and then making the core more generic.
Is there anything specific that needs to be conveyed to to request that the message translations be moved or copied?

Change 652557 had a related patch set uploaded (by Majavah; owner: Majavah):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaMessages@master] Add sitematrix{,-others,-project} overrides

Change 652558 had a related patch set uploaded (by Majavah; owner: Majavah):
[mediawiki/extensions/SiteMatrix@master] Replace Wikimedia specific messages with generic ones

taavi added a subscriber: Raymond.

Hello - please copy existing translations for sitematrix, sitematrix-others and sitematrix-project into wikimedia- prefixed ones after the two above patches have been merged. Thanks!

Change 652558 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/SiteMatrix@master] Replace Wikimedia specific messages with generic ones

Change 652557 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikimediaMessages@master] Add sitematrix{,-others,-project} overrides

Is this task finished, or is something still pending? I see all linked patches are merged.