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update the label and racktables entry for gerrit2001/WMF6408 & install SSDs
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Please update the physical label on gerrit2001/WMF6408 to show gerrit2001. When that is done, update racktables visible label field.

Additionally, please install the dual 400GB SSDs as disks 3 and 4 in gerrit2001/WMF6408. These disks were ordered on 2016-12-06 on task T150885.

When both of these items are done, please resolve this task.

Event Timeline

RobH added a parent task: Unknown Object (Task).Dec 6 2016, 7:53 PM
RobH mentioned this in Unknown Object (Task).Dec 15 2016, 5:50 PM

Disks installation complete.