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Inconsistent language defaults in Content Translation
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The source and target language defaults are not always consistent, and there doesn't seem to be a consistent rule that is followed for the language in which the translation page is shown.

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@dchen, can you please elaborate this further? The code has gone through some changes, but same underlying ULS data is being used when default languages are determined.

Are you telling that user who opens Content Translation for the first time in some country doesn't get the same default languages as the other user that opens Content Translation for the first time and is coming from same country? Or this isn't about countries, but certain wikis? Languages depend on user's location, browser list of supported languages, previous languages in ULS, content language...

When I say default languages, I mean source and target language on Suggestions list and "New translation" dialog.

Amire80 renamed this task from Inconsistent language defaults? to Inconsistent language defaults in Content Translation.Mar 4 2018, 6:59 PM
Amire80 added a subscriber: Etonkovidova.

I suspect that a lot of it comes from the fact that Special:CX runs on each wiki separately, and ULS stores its previous languages separately. If this is the issue, then it's kind of related to T135374.

As pointed in T165418#4022343, it may be better to focus on T135374 to provide a more consistent experience.