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Refresh list of ancient monuments
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The data that the lists are based on are from 2011. A lot has happened since then (e.g. some may have been removed and new have been found) so the lists are no longer entirely accurate. We should refresh the lists based on the latest information in FMIS so that participants in WLM don't get frustrated.

Event Timeline

Lokal_Profil renamed this task from Refresh list of ancient monuments to [WLM]Refresh list of ancient monuments.Feb 20 2018, 1:26 PM
Lokal_Profil renamed this task from [WLM]Refresh list of ancient monuments to Refresh list of ancient monuments.Feb 20 2018, 1:44 PM

We'll have to take another look on this if we end up uploading archaeological objects via SHM as part of WMSE-Wikidata-for-authority-control-2021

Nb that since this task was last active, monument identifiers from the National Heritage Board have changed (but in a backward-compatible way!).

For human-readable ids:

  • New monuments are no longer assigned an RAÄ-nr of the form "Parish N:M" (e.g. "Rök 1:1"). However,existing monuments with such numbers retain them for compatibility.
  • All monuments are instead assigned a lämningsnummer of the form "LÅÅÅÅ:NNNN" (e.g. "L2011:9303").

For machine-readable ids:

  • All monuments receive persistent URI:s on of the form{UUID}
  • Previous URIs on that domain of the form are deprecated but still valid and will remain persistent: they now redirect to their corresponding new UUID-based URIs when dereferenced, and are semantically related to them via "new-URI dcterms:replaces old-URI" links in RDF.

SHM have recently migrated to a new collections management system, which has involved assigning new ids to objects in the collections of all their consituent museums. They have not yet completed their mapping from this new system to K-samsök (, but when they do it is very likely their their URIs will also change and be redirected/linked using dcterms:replaces as described above. Until then, records on from museums under the umbrella of SHM should be considered "stale".