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Create or edit the documentation to reflect what is included in T157642 and what remains as a Beta feature
Closed, ResolvedPublic


T157642: Graduate New Filters UX out of beta on Recent Changes on ALL wikis

It is important for users to know precisely what is included in the default release. As we are using the TCG recommendations, this documentation will be the reference for communities:

  • users who have "sensible, consistent with the project, actionable, realistic feedback to oppose" will know what is covered or not covered by this default release
  • users who are using the Beta will know what is default and beta
  • overall it will ease communication.

Edit with a precise list (bullet points) will be enough, based on

Features for the new RC Page standard

  • All initial New Filters beta features, including the new filters menu, the Active Filter Display Area, highlighting, ORES filters and Experience level filters.
  • Watchlisted pages filters
  • Last revisions filters
  • Bookmarking / Saved Filters menu

Maybe included

  • Namespace and tag filtering (to be documented first)

Not included yet

  • Community links on top of the RCs
  • ...

Event Timeline

This is assigned to Joe. Was it meant to be in CL's radar, or...?

This is assigned to Joe. Was it meant to be in CL's radar, or...?

Joe will create or update the page, I'll review it when done.

Trizek-WMF raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Aug 23 2017, 5:47 PM

@jmatazzoni is going to amend to reflect what is default and what is Beta.

Simplifications to the draft done (readable by a 11 grade student) and integration done. is up to date.
Translators will have work to do, because we have only kelp 1% of the previous page. :/