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Define and limit colors in new print styles
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Starting from T135022#2663900 there was discussion on limiting greys in print to

#000 and #666 for text and #f5f5f5 for backgrounds

and also that

Everything should work with black and white:

Everything must work with black and white. We can't assume that people have access to color printers.

Currently though

  • MW core's commonPrint.css features
    • #000
    • #aaa for #toc's, .wikitable's, .catlinks li & #footer border
    • #ddd for img.thumbborder
  • Vector's current print.less features
    • @pureBlack (=#000),
    • @footerColor (=#eee`) text,
    • @colorGray9 (=#999) on #footer-info text

These colors should be limited at best. It makes sense to have greys with same ratio of RGB, respectively CMYK for not triggering color printing and to speed up print times. So WikimediaUI color palette greys are not first choice.
Still, a limitation of greys would make sense, both from a design as from implementation point of view.

Event Timeline

Volker_E added a project: Design.
Volker_E removed a subscriber: gerritbot.

o/ @Nirzar, will this be ready for the next sprint? It currently blocks T169738 in upcoming.

@Nirzar - is this a blocker for deploying the new styles?

Removing @Nirzar as assignee, as that account has been disabled.

/cc @ovasileva @alexhollender is it something we should worry? It's marked high and it's not in progress for 2 years.

Seems this never got much traction- @Volker_E, @alexhollender - is this something we can drop for now?