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EHU - Bizkaiko campusa
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Hurrengo asteartean daukat bilera. Saiatuko naiz T178674 prozedura bera jarraitzen.

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Gaur bilera egin dugu bertan campuseko euskara eta kultura zuzendariekin eta saiatu gara Gasteizen proposatu dugunaren antzeko zerbait egiten, baina Gasteizko campusan ez bezala, Bizkaikoan euskara batzordeak ez daude osasuntsu oraintxe. Geratu gara azaroaren 15ean Leioan campuseko fakultate guztietako euskara dekano-orde guztiei aurkezpena egiteko eta, bi asteren buruan edo, fakultateetan euskararen alde lanean egon ohi diren irakasleekin hurrengoa. Abenduan egingo genuke fakultatez fakultate aurkezpen saio batzuk, baina ikusi behar dugu ea nola antolatzen garen azaroaren 15eko bileraren ostean.

Bilbo eta Leioa banatzearena ikusiko da ere, noski, eta fakultate bakoitzean nola landuko dugun bertan eztabaidatuko dugu.

Bihar egin beharreko aurkezpenerako bi dokumentu prestatu ditut. Irakasleekin bilerak egiteko egindakoa igotzen dut hona.

Theklan created subtask Restricted Task.
Theklan created subtask Restricted Task.
Theklan created subtask Restricted Task.

Oraindik irakasleen konfirmaziorik jaso ez dudanez, kezka bidali diet e-mailez. Ea jasotzen dudan zerbait ahalik eta azkarren.

Theklan renamed this task from Bizkaiko campusa to EHU - Bizkaiko campusa.Nov 5 2018, 11:00 AM
Theklan closed subtask Restricted Task as Invalid.Dec 10 2018, 5:29 PM
Ladsgroup set Security to Other confidential issue.May 28 2019, 4:01 PM
Maintenance_bot changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "All Users".May 28 2019, 10:07 PM

@Theklan: Hi, thanks. Should all the subtasks here really stay open?

Is it possible to mass close them?

Is it possible to mass close them?

@Theklan: Hi, yes that is possible - but which task status for which ones?

Actually everything here. We are not tracking anymore using this system because of privacy concerns by professors.

@Theklan: For the records, a task does not have to be public. A task can be made or kept completely private by creating or moving a task in(to) a Space. Also see T175287: Create a project and a Space for the Basque Wikimedians User Group which was requested for this.

Yes, but professors still find the title. I don't know how, since everything here was moved to private.

Yes, but professors still find the title. I don't know how, since everything here was moved to private.

@Theklan: For future reference, if there are or were problems then please bring them up on - we are there to help you and everybody who wants to use Phabricator.
Hmm, so for a short moment I made myself a member of your private Space in , but apart from one task I currently don't see any tasks in your private Space S15:
I have seen some edits which changed task visibility from "Public" to "All Users" (see my comment from July in T175287#6317298) but that is unrelated to private Spaces plus not an effective way to restrict access as anyone can create an account.

Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.Nov 9 2020, 4:25 PM
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.
Aklapper closed subtask Restricted Task as Declined.

@Theklan: I closed subtasks of this task. Not sure if you also have (some) other tasks in mind? See for the complete list.

All should be closed!

Sorry for not answering, I have a lot of notifications from Phabricator these days.

Peachey88 changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".Nov 20 2020, 8:58 AM